The Dance of Time in San Miguel de Allende

In the heart of the enchanting San Miguel de Allende, time takes on a rhythm of its own, a dance that locals and newcomers alike must learn to step into. Meet Manuel, Luis, and Dean, each navigating this unique temporal ballet in their own way.

Manuel, a San Miguel native, sways through life with a nonchalant ease. He knows that punctuality often falls victim to the allure of a leisurely existence. To him, being fashionably late isn’t just a choice; it’s a tradition, an unspoken agreement that allows everyone to gracefully synchronize with the city’s laid-back heartbeat.

Then comes Luis, a transplant from the bustling precision of Mexico City. Accustomed to the metropolis’s unwavering punctuality, he finds himself in a cultural whirlwind where time doesn’t always follow the hands of the clock. While he often grumbles about tardiness, Luis learns to embrace the art of patience, accepting that schedules in San Miguel have a unique, fluid charm.

Dean, an American captivated by the town’s charm, experiences a different tune. Accustomed to a world where “soon” means immediate and promises are carved in stone, he finds himself caught in the gentle undertow of San Miguel’s temporal river. His frustration grows as deadlines stretch into elongated timelines, and the once-foreign concept of “Mexican time” becomes a daily challenge.

But what advice can old-timer Bill offer? To those running on local time, Bill extends a plea: “The town has evolved, and with it, so should our approach to time. Let’s be considerate of others, for it’s not about being late; it’s about respecting each other’s moments.”

And to the newcomers, Bill whispers a reminder: “Don’t let time rob you of the joy this city has to offer. Embrace the cultural cadence, communicate your expectations clearly, and let patience be your guide. In San Miguel, time may waltz, but the experiences are a tango of a lifetime.”


So, as the sun sets over the cobblestone streets, locals and newcomers continue their dance with time. The key, it seems, is finding harmony in the city’s unique tempo, where every tick of the clock tells a story of a place where life is meant to be savored rather than rushed.

"Timing in San Miguel de Allende: A Cultural Tapestry of Punctuality"

San Miguel de Allende, a city renowned for its vibrant culture and historic charm, also presents a unique perspective on time and punctuality, distinct from other parts of Mexico and, certainly, from the United States.

Manuel’s story is a classic example of local customs. Arriving ‘on time’ for social events in San Miguel often means being the first and only one for a while. This cultural norm of being fashionably late even extends to professional engagements, sometimes leading to frustration for those unaccustomed to this pace, like Luis from Mexico City and Dean from the U.S.

Luis, accustomed to the punctual rhythm of Mexico City, initially found the laid-back timing in San Miguel challenging. He eventually adapted, understanding the cultural difference as not a sign of disrespect but a local custom.

Dean’s experience, however, highlights a deeper struggle. His expectation of punctuality, deeply rooted in American culture, clashed with the local norm, leading to frustration and confusion. Dean’s dilemma is common among expatriates who find the ‘mañana’ approach at odds with their own cultural norms.

Advice to the Locals:

  • Respect for Time: While cultural habits are deeply ingrained, evolving with the times and showing respect for others’ schedules is important. Being punctual is not just about time; it’s about respecting others’ commitments and promises.

Advice to Expatriates:

  • Cultural Adaptation: Understanding and adapting to the local timing culture is key. It’s not about lowering standards but about embracing a different perspective on time.
  • Setting Boundaries: Clearly communicate your time expectations. Establishing and respecting boundaries can lead to a harmonious coexistence.
  • Patience and Perspective: Remember, the local approach to time is not about dishonesty; it’s a cultural trait shaped by historical and societal factors.

In conclusion, San Miguel de Allende’s approach to timing is a dance of historical and cultural influences. For locals and foreigners alike, understanding and respecting these differences can lead to a more harmonious and enriching experience in this beautiful city.

Los Farolitos

"Los Farolitos: A Taste Of Authentic San Miguel De Allende"

San Miguel de Allende, nestled in the heart of Mexico, is a city that pulsates with history, culture, and culinary delights. Amidst the enchanting cobblestone streets and vibrant marketplaces, there’s a hidden gem that beckons both locals and visitors alike—Los Farolitos.

Imagine stepping into a bustling Mexican market, where the aroma of sizzling spices and the sound of tortillas being freshly pressed fill the air. Los Farolitos, a family-owned culinary haven, embodies the essence of traditional Mexican cuisine. What sets them apart is their commitment to crafting dishes that capture the true flavors of San Miguel de Allende.

Los Farolitos offers an extensive menu that reads like a love letter to Mexican gastronomy. From the moment you enter, you’re greeted with the tantalizing prospect of ‘Comida Corrida.’ This, dear reader, is a full-course meal that won’t break the bank. It’s an opportunity to savor Mexico’s culinary heritage in a single sitting. Each plate is a masterpiece—a symphony of flavors expertly orchestrated.

Now, let’s delve into the lexicon of Mexican delights. Picture ‘Gorditas,’ little pockets of heaven stuffed with savory fillings. ‘Enchiladas,’ rolled tortillas drenched in a luscious sauce, a culinary masterpiece. ‘Huaraches,’ not the footwear, but rather thick tortillas adorned with an array of toppings that will make your taste buds dance. ‘Tortas,’ hearty Mexican sandwiches brimming with delectable ingredients. ‘Quesadillas,’ where cheese and tortillas unite in perfect harmony. And, of course, ‘Tacos,’ the undisputed stars of Mexican street food.

To quench your thirst, Los Farolillos presents ‘Café de Olla,’ a Mexican coffee brewed to perfection. Sip slowly and savor the warm embrace of cinnamon and piloncillo. For those seeking a refreshing alternative, there are freshly squeezed juices, a rainbow of flavors.

Now, you might wonder, what’s the heart and soul of Mexican cuisine? It’s ‘Menudo.’ A dish that embodies tradition, it’s not just a meal; it’s a cultural experience. Los Farolitos serves it up with all the authenticity and care that you’d expect from a family with over two decades of culinary expertise.

What’s truly special is their dedication to quality. Every dish is prepared to order, ensuring the freshest, most authentic experience. At Los Farolitos, there are no shortcuts, no frozen ingredients—just a commitment to culinary excellence.


As you explore the bustling ‘Ignacio Ramirez Main Market’ in San Miguel de Allende, make sure to stop by Los Farolitos at stall number 55. It’s a place where you don’t have to empty your pockets to fill your heart and satisfy your taste buds. It’s a testament to the richness of Mexican culture, where every bite tells a story, and every meal is a celebration.”

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Services and Costs in San Miguel

A colleague just asked me what are the correct prices (or fees) for services and activities in San Miguel, many people in San Miguel think that the services are truly expensive.

And it is true! some services are quite expensive and it is very important to know the real amounts.

For example, You wake up in the morning and notice that your sink has a leak. Different plumbers can be hired and the prices will go from affordable to insane. How to choose the correct one?

Well, the wise choice will be advised by your realtor. Please ask them for a list of prices or advice for an individual occasion.

Expensive vs Wise

Sometimes an expensive service is worth it, in the previous example, if you hire an experienced plumber who may charge you a big amount, will also make you save tons of money. How? Well, let’s think that the plumber is very experienced and solves the problem (1.) Fast and precise, with high-quality tools and replacements; and the job is so immaculate that your sink does not gets broken again (2.).

However, if you hire an expensive service but without experience, or if you hire a “cheap” service and the quality and knowledge are so poor; it is possible that your sink breaks very soon and you will be in a loop paying more and more every time.
So a good reference from your Realtor will protect your economy. It is used by a great Realtor to provide this reference as a courtesy.

Safety in SMA

Do not become a Target

Based on the official numbers and statistics, San Miguel is a safe place. But the most important is how you take care of yourself. It does not make a difference if you are in Paris, Tokyo, Atenas, or London, please do not bring trouble yourself.

Some troubles we have in San Miguel are directly related to the small measurements a person takes, there was a client – who asked: “Is it true that women can be rapped in some neighborhoods in San Miguel?” – and the answer is: “If the woman is dressing very attractive wearing fancy jewelry, walking by herself in a dark street at 2 a.m. and finally under alcohol influence; – The probabilities are big that she will get in trouble here or also in any another city in the world”, and this is just the example because it could apply to any gender or preference…

Another example is if someone buys a house, but does not use it, it has low walls and has not any staff that takes care of the property, the numbers say that the house could be also targeted even for rats and cockroaches.

The good news is that in San Miguel, 95% of the citizens (national, native, and foreigners) have reported good experiences like:

“I lost my wallet and some nice couple delivered it directly to my place”, “I left the car windows open and nobody stole my computer”, “I left my cellphone in the Plaza and they asked on Facebook who was the owner…”.

There could indeed be some problems, but most of the people in San Miguel have never “directly” experienced any difficulty in their whole stance/life in the city, and the main reason is “because they take care of themselves”.

But, what about the conflictive behaviors? or what about the accidents caused by impertinent visitors? – That will be described in the next post.

High Heels in SMA

Wedding Tips: If you visit San Miguel de Allende for a Wedding, please make sure you do not wear high heels in the streets of San Miguel, there is cobblestone everywhere so you do not want to fall or have a foot sprain.

A small recommendation is to use “Low Shoes” for the Ceremonies and “High Heels” for the party.

The streets of San Miguel de Allende are built with cobblestone, so it is a bad idea to use that type of shoe.

Remember, the city is almost 400 years old, there were no “high heels” back then.

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